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Monday, August 25, 2014

Health Benefits of Building Muscle

For most people benefits of muscle building are limited to good looks only. But over the years, researches have discovered that building muscles comes with far more benefits that all lead to a better and healthy life. Some of the benefits of muscle building include:

couple working out

Reducing the risk of falls and fractures

It is not uncommon for old people to fall and break their bones. This happens because we all start to lose muscle mass after the age of 30 and our bones start growing weaker as we grow older. As a result, most old people fall easily and, because their bones are already weak, they also snap easily. But such falls are rare among those who continue to exercise throughout their lives. This is because their muscles are strong enough to support their limbs and their main body frame.

The Looks, Of Course

The obvious benefit of building muscles is that one ends up with a good, looking body. Some men prefer a heavy, pumped look that oozes power and confidence while others prefer a lean but strong, chiseled body that signals speed and agility. Women, too, look good when they get defined muscles in the right places.

Increasing Endurance

This is just common sense. A person with stronger muscles will carry heavier weights for longer distances. That also applies to endurance during exercising. If your muscles are stronger, you will be able to lift more weights and do more repetitions. Additionally, your muscle strength will also determine your endurance levels when doing cardio exercises or aerobics.

Muscle Building Increases Body Metabolism

This simply means that your body is able to burn calories faster during exercise and even when you are at rest. Those who moved from being a couch potato to being a chiseled, gym fanatic understand very well that life on the couch was a constant cycle of being tired. But once they got used to exercising they rarely feel tired and they even sleep better at night.

Healthy benefits to the body

Good metabolism also brings additional health benefits. For instance, the increased metabolism can help reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol as well as reducing chronic pain, depression and other mental health disorders. Some people even get improved skin due to continued sweating during exercise. As a result, their skin ends up with open and well-ventilated pores that are free of dirt and dead tissue.

Reduced Injury Risk

Strong muscles also help in protecting delicate parts of the body. For instance, rock-hard abs can help protect the kidneys, the liver and other organs in the abdomen against heavy blows from fists or objects. In the same way, strong muscles can protect your bones by absorbing the impact of blows.

There are many benefits of muscle building. As you start or continue exercising, you will be able to experience these and many more other benefits. But one thing is certain: you will look great!

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