If you are a person who spends nearly half of your days on reading document, or working on the screen of a computer like me right now, then your eyes might be damaged over the time. All of this causes eye fatigue and eye related issues that further cause the condition of diminished vision. Keep following this article to discover tips for healthy eyes that can help to sharpen the vision of your eyes; thus, you could see the way to a future of longevity.
1. Exercise Your Eyes
One of the most relaxing and simplest tips for healthy eyes is exercising your eyes. Exercising properly will help to maintain optimal vision as well as keep the annoying eye floaters at bay. You can perform these following exercises in the morning, or before bedtime, and any time that your eyes feel tired. Just keep in mind that before exercising, your hands are clean and the mood is relaxed. It is also important that you can commit practice daily so that you can see huge improvement within 1 month. Here they are:
Warm your eyes then rub the palms together for creating heat. And, place your palms against the eyes for about 5 seconds. Do this routine for 3 times to get better result.Roll the eyes. Begin by looking up and slowly circle the eyes 10 times as clockwise and the same as counterclockwise.Concentrate. Hold a pen at arm’s length, then concentrate the eyes on it. Slowly bring the pen closer till the distance from the pen to your nose is about 6 inches. After that, slowly move it back while still keep the eyes focus on the pen. Repeat it 10 times.Massage the temples. Use the thumb knuckles; massage the temples with small circles about 20 times in a one certain direction and 20 times in the counter. Do the same action with the mid-point of your eyebrows at your forehead and then below your eyes on two sides.2. Stare At A Certain Distance
The majority of computer victims are a victim of far-sightedness. That means they have some troubles in seeing things at a certain distance. In order to correct this and avoid the problem, you need to stare something at a distance every 45 minutes for about 5 seconds. Look at something in the distance, and wait for the eye to modify and bring the object to your focus. After that, look up something closer to you. This technique will allow you to improve the concentration of distant objects.
3. Slash Water
In case that you feel your eyes are strained, then you can go to the washroom to wash the eyes thoroughly. Make it as your habit every day. Splashing the eyes with water will be able to help you relieve the eyes from excessive stress.
4. Practice Zooming Exercise
In order to start this eye muscle straightening exercise, you should sit in a proper and comfortable position. Then, stretch out the arm with the thumb in a hitchhike position, concentrate on the thumb as the arm is gently outstretched. Now, bring the thumb closer to you and concentrate all the time until the thumb is 3 inches off the face. Now, start moving the thumb away again until the arm is totally outstretched. Keep practicing this routine for several seconds.
5. Take A Walk In The Early Morning
Walking in the early morning is entirely healthy for both your overall health, in general, and for your eyes, in particular. This technique will assist the eyes in getting relaxed and fresh. Moreover, your eyes also get sufficient healthy sunlight in the morning.
6. Improve Peripheral Vision
This is a tip from the special force. For improving the peripheral vision quickly, just look straight ahead to keep the central vision concentrated on a spot around you. While looking forward, notice things that you can see outside your view.
Repeat this practice to improve the peripheral vision and see more of the world in the moment you look around. It could be especially helpful while driving because it will make you aware of the other drivers around.
7. Hanging Head
This is one of strange tips for healthy eyes that you could apply to help to increase the flow of blood in your head. Hanging the head upside down for several minutes every day can benefit the eyes and also useful for enhancing the healthy hair as well as improving the skin’s complexion.
8. Exercises With The Screen
Look at the left middle edge of the screen, then the other side, back to the left after that. Repeat this routine about 10 times so that you move your eyes from the right to left and left to right.
The same practice is repeated but from the top left corner to the bottom right corner of the screen. It is diagonal motion. Repeat 10 times and do this again for the counter diagonal motion, from top right to bottom left.
Finally, work the way across your screen beginning from the top left side to the bottom as you move from the left side to right side in zig zag motion of upwards and downwards.
Do this zig zag motion horizontally across the screen for several times.
9. Eat Eggs
One of the most important nutrition tips for healthy eyes is eating eggs. Eggs yolks include zeaxanthin and lutein, these compounds are shown to enhance sharp vision fast and safely and decrease the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) that is the leading reason of blindness in adults over 50.
In order to get the best result you need to consume the eggs raw with about 2 to 4 eggs each day as this can preserve the eggs’ nutritional content.
10. Quit Smoking
Smoking can restrict the blood vessel diameter that leads to impede blood flow to your eyes. The blood of a smoker also includes less oxygen than a non-smoker‘s blood. Because oxygen is essential for cells in the body, so the eyes’ health will be negatively impact if the blood flow is impaired.
11. Protect The Eyes
In fact, if you continuously expose your eyes to the strong sunlight without glasses, then you are damaging the retina and lens of your eyes. Furthermore, this can lead to the development of cataracts and degeneration of macular. Thus, when going outdoors, you need to wear glasses that filter UV light because the damage sunlight causes to your eyes is cumulative over the time; thus, your eyes will get worse over time.
12. Keep Fit
Maintain a healthy weight is necessary for those who want to get healthy eyes. Being obese and overweight can promote the risk of developing diabetes and other systemic condition that can lead to the condition of vision loss like glaucoma and diabetic eye disease.
To maintain a healthy weight, you can follow a well-balanced diet or doing some simple weight loss routines for keeping fit.
13. Clean Hands And Contact Lenses Appropriately
To avoid the risk of infection, beware of cleaning your hands thoroughly before taking or taking out the contact lenses. Keep in mind to disinfect contact lenses as instructions and replace them as proper.
If you want to prevent some common diseases for the eyes, then discover the simple yet unique tips to treat pinkeye at home.
14. Avoid Dry Air
Aim the vents of the car down at the feet, not the eyes. As proven, dry and air-conditioned air can suck the moisture out of your eyes like a sponge. So, you should aim the vents in the car away from the face. Serious or over dryness can lead to corneal abrasions, even blindness.
15. Do Not Share The Towel
This means you had better use a fresh towel every time you wipe the face. Sharing face towel as well as washers with other people might lead to highly contagious eye infection called conjunctivitis – pinkeye. Also, use the face towel of the others can lead to the same result. Therefore, keep hygiene for your eye by using your own face towel from now.
16. Eat Fish Twice Week
Fish are rich source of omega-3 fatty acids that can lessen the risk of dry eye syndrome effectively. In case that you cannot stand fish, make use of fish oil supplements.
17. Eat Red Onions
Try to cook your dishes with the red onions, not the yellow ones. Red onions consist of more quercetin, which is anti-oxidant thought can protect against cataracts effectively.
You can discover a complete list of super foods to eat now to get more ideas for getting better health.
18. Go For Orange
The foods with yellow are useful for human eyes. Have sweet potatoes for dinner. This kind of food is rich in vitamin A and also particularly good at boosting the eye vision at night.
19. Control Pressure
Check your blood pressure monthly in order to keep healthy eyes. You could do this at home with the do-it-yourself monitor cuff. In reality, high blood pressure, once unchecked, could damage the vessels in your eyes.
If you want to manage stress and pressure effectively, then do not overlook the guide.
After reviewing all of the great tips for healthy eyes above, I hope that you have learned something new! In order to get clear eyes and improve eye vision, you need to combine all of those tips for healthy eyes for creating a healthy lifestyle. If so, I bet that you will strengthen your eyes over time.
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