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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Foods That Can Flatten Your Stomach

Sometimes a person can have a beautiful body that they work hard to keep in great shape. Though despite how many exercises they do, sometimes they have problems losing fat in their belly area. Doing sit up and crunches do not always get rid of belly fat, and sometimes you need to go on a special diet. There are a lot of different foods you can eat to help trim down that belly. Here is some information on the main foods used in the belly fat diet that can trim your waistline.


Oatmeal: This is a great source of protein, and oatmeal can also help lower your cholesterol. Oatmeal can also help diabetics lower their blood sugar levels. Breakfast is an important part of a healthy diet, and it will help keep you burn fat around your midsection.

Nuts: Nuts are also high in protein, and they can make a great snack! People who eat nuts have reported feeling more full and satisfied then people who ate things like rice cakes. Try eating a handful of unsalted almonds or peanuts the next time you want to eat something healthy for a snack.

Protein powder: Protein powder is a favorite of body builders because the amino acids in the powder can help burn fat and encourages their muscles to grow. You can even make a protein powder shake as a substitute for a meal.

Good fats: Did you know that eating good fats like olive oil or canola oil can actually control your appetite? Just be sure it’s either olive or canola oil, vegetable oil has a lot of fat in it. There are a lot of great meals you can make using olive oil instead of vegetable oil; you will add a lot of flavor to any meal you make with olive oil especially.

Berries: Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are all natural fat burners. Try adding a cup of any of these berries to yogurt or you can even throw them in your protein shake.

Eggs: Another great high protein food, a couple of eggs for breakfast will help you burn fat because of the vitamin B12.

Beans: Beans are full of protein and fiber too, which can make you feel full and are a great substitute for meat. Try making a burrito with just plain black beans for a nice boost of protein that will help your body burn fat.

Lean meat and fish: Lean turkey, tuna, and salmon are three of the highest protein you can eat. An extra benefit is that both tuna and salmon are a source of omega-3 oils, which can prevent fat from forming in your belly area.

Because sometimes exercising is not always enough, the belly fat diet was designed to help people lose the fat that is around their midsections. By eating foods that are both high in protein, and promote the burning of fat, anyone that follows this diet will start to see their bellies start to shrink in no time.

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