Bonsai comes from Asia. This is an art that has been existed in Asian countries for centuries. The term Bonsai, formed by Japanese means tray planting. Bonsai trees are often elegant and graceful. The Bonsai trees must be well-matched with their pot forms, colors. People, who learn to design bonsai trees, are actually artists. They must master bonsai tree caring techniques such as trimming, pruning and growing them to stay healthy in many years. In this writing, I will help you get clearer about these vital tips on how to care for Bonsai trees. If you are a Bonsai enthusiast, do not miss this article!
Watering is very important in the Bonsai tree care. If you forget to water the trees for long days, they will dehydrate, and then die. If you water much, the trees will be dying, too. Moreover, depending on different types of Bonsai trees, people can supply them with suitable water levels. Besides, Bonsai enthusiasts must understand elements impacting Bonsai’s water requirements so that they can adjust a specific watering schedule.
People also use moisture meters to count and adjust the soil humidity. People should know exactly how to use suitable pot to grow Bonsai trees, what types of soil fit their certain trees, then they can evaluate the requirements of their bonsai humidity. Especially in the cold season, people should provide bonsai trees with more moisture. Normally, people can immerse their Bonsai in water. Don’t water only the soil. Remember to wash of the Bonsai foliage, dust from the leaves.
Be sure that you are using the right soil to grow your Bonsai. Check out whether this soil can retail water well or not, then check out how good this solid absorb nutrients. In addition, indoor Bonsai trees and outdoor Bonsai trees need different soil. The tip for you is to go to garden centers and ask for the exact kind of your Bonsai trees and they will guide you to choose right soil and the highest quality soil for your different types of your bonsai trees.
Next, how to add fertilizer into the soil? If you are not an expert on this issue, widen your knowledge of this field to have healthy Bonsai trees. It is not too difficult to learn fertilizing techniques. Firstly, pay attention to add suitable amounts of fertilizer to your trees. If you add too much fertilizer to the soil, the tree will die after just some days. Next, you have to have full knowledge of the tree growth. What time the trees need the most fertilizer, what types of fertilizers are suitable for certain process of tree growth and so on! In addition, don’t mix different fertilizers together unless you have knowledge of the right mixing formulas to follow. In general, people can apply fertilizer once per month. Avoid applying fertilizer during the winter. By applying fertilizers at the half of Bonsai strength, the trees will appear healthier and greener.
People can place their Bonsai tree indoor or outdoor but remember to supply them enough sunlight, water, fertilizer, humidity. If the tree is placed inside the house, you can set it near the window and make sure that this room is not too cold or hot. If the tree is placed outside, make sure that the sun won’t kill your tree by its heat, or the tree won’t be drowned by a large amount of rainwater.
Many people love Bonsai and novel. If you are in this case, do not miss out Novel Writing Academy for get more knowledge of this additional guide.
Pruning is one of basic Bonsai care tips. There are 2 different ways of pruning, including root pruning and branch pruning. For branch pruning, you should do it in the early spring because the trees grow new branches during this period of time. Similar to branch pruning, root pruning must be done; yet remember that people should sculpt root after pruning Bonsai branches.
People use the pruning tools to clip off buds, leaves and different parts of branches to get the tree to be in their expecting tree shape. Each time of pruning, you will form the tree shape more properly. Be sure to do this task at a certain time of the year and make sure that the tree is strong enough to be trained. If you make an over-pruning, the Bonsai will be damaged, even die.
Pinching and trimming are next important techniques on how to care for Bonsai trees.
Pinching and trimming keep Bonsai tree miniature. Trim and pinch back new branches to safe points, yet don’t remove all of the new branches. People should keep some of the branches for sustaining the Bonsai health. Normally, tropical Bonsai trees require trimming as well as pinching throughout months of the year. As different types of trees grow at some different rates, it is good to evaluate the rate of growth of certain trees and adjust the pinching and pinching reasonably.
Firstly, choose a tree that you have knowledge of caring this type of Bonsai, including the elements of climate, home environment, species of Bonsai. The following are some good selection of deciduous Bonsai trees, consisting of magnolias, elms (Chinese elms and Japanese elms), crabapple trees and oaks. Next, there are some popular coniferous Bonsai trees, including spruces, junipers, cedars, and pines. If you live in the hot climate region, you can enjoy indoor Bonsai trees. Besides you can grow other types of Bonsai trees such as olive trees, jade and snowrose.
Bonsai enthusiasts must get clear the proportions to set their Bonsai tree in suitable pots. The standard proportions for a Bonsai pot can be 2/3 – 3/4 and depending on the width of the tree, the proportions can be changed. In addition, people also pay attention to the height of the Bonsai trees in order to select an ideal pot. The height of a Bonsai pot must be the same to the diameter of Bonsai trunk.
Training is one of the most advanced techniques on how to care for Bonsai trees. In other words, training is an art. Firstly, people should know that just some special trees can be trained to be Bonsai trees. If you identify the wrong tree, you will waste your time and energy on this tree. Furthermore, as a Bonsai expert, you must know the Bonsai training periods: how long to train different types of Bonsai trees, how different periods of training are, what the most important periods are, how many pinching and trimming techniques can be applied to remain miniature.
There are a variety of Bonsai training styles for you to follow. You can choose traditional styles, modern style. Besides, you can create or design your own unique Bonsai training styles. The following are some common Bonsai training styles. Let’s have an overview of them:
Moyohgi: Moyohgi is an upright Bonsai style. The Bonsai tree has a more natural shape than growing in the straight upward.
Chokkan: This is also an upright Bonsai style but more formal than Moyohgi. The Bonsai grows straight and strong with branches stretching around the tree.
Shakan: This is a slanting Bonsai style. By training a tree in this form, it will look striking and windblown.
Bunjingi: This is a literati Bonsai form. The Bonsai trunk is trained to appear twisted and long with numerous minimal branches.
All of you can check out photo tips and techniques if you have passion on this field.
Train Branches And The TrunkNext, learn how to care for Bonsai trees to have the beautiful trunk and branches. In fact, the branch and trunk training techniques are various. Depending on your different purposes, you can train your tree with different styles and shapes. Basically, gentle bend the branches and the trunk in certain directions you aim to grow them. You need some equipments to make your tree be in a particular shape. Use copper wire and wrap it around different branches and the trunk. Use your hand to wrap the copper wire at an angle of 45 degrees. Depending on different types of trees, you will keep the copper wire long to get the tree in the form you designed. Do not wrap the copper wire tightly because it may damage the tree. Remember to rewire that tree and sculpt it until it gets in the shape you expect.
Beside tips to train Bonsai, I would like to introduce tips on arrange flowers. If you care about this topic, do not miss it!
Like other plants and trees, Bonsai reacts to changes in different seasons. If you keep bonsai trees outside, they will have strong reactions to changes in sunlight, temperature, rainfall in your living place. Many regions have 4 distinct seasons in a year, and there are seasonal changes among them. Bonsai enthusiasts must understand how different Bonsai trees react to particular seasons, and how to apply a suitable care for the trees.
Trees don’t grow and produce leaves during the winter, so they do not use much nutrition. People just care about watering Bonsai in this season. Do not trim the branches too much, because the tree cannot replace the nutrients until the spring.
When the spring comes, trees need the nutrients to grow and sprout new branches and leaves. So, you should supply your Bonsai trees with extra nutrients. The trees continue growing until the summer ends. In this period of time, you must water the trees gradually. Next, you learn detailed tips on how to care for Bonsai trees to help your tree store nutrients to use in the winter. Remember that winter is an ideal season for you to trim your Bonsai trees.
If you are a Bonsai enthusiast and a dog lover, why don’t you spend some minutes checking out Self Help Dog Training to train your dog.
Don’t forget to protect your tree from high temperatures in the summer. The temperatures must be below 40 degrees. In the winter, make sure that do not show your Bonsai outdoor if the temperatures are low under 0 degree.
Insects And DiseasesBeside some care above, Bonsai enthusiasts also pay attention to some diseases and insects which harm and damage your favorite trees. You need to use some chemicals to control your tree health and growth.
I’ve shown you top 9 tips on how to care for Bonsai trees. I hope that with these basic tips you will master Bonsai caring techniques, enjoy Bonsai trees with other Bonsai enthusiasts and have relaxing time with this hobby.
Besides, I would like to introduce fishing tips for people who also love fishing. People can check out fishing tips in The Instant Crappie Caching Tricks E-kit to get more information about this hobby.
I welcome all your feedbacks and comments. Let me know what you are thinking after reading this writing!

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