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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lamborn vs. The “Morning After Pill” (Again)

Plan B. Plan B.

Reports the Colorado Springs Independent:

U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn has reintroduced legislation aimed at banning "morning-after pills" from school clinics. The bill would prohibit federal funding to schools whose clinics provide emergency contraception, which is currently available on drugstore shelves to anyone who wants to buy it.

In a press release, Lamborn argued that school clinics should not carry the pill, citing various risks. The pill has long been targeted by conservatives who claim it can cause a fertilized egg to abort…

More from Rep. Doug Lamborn's press release:

"Schools should not be giving these powerful drugs to our children. In addition to the emotional and behavioral risks associated with these drugs, these drugs can do serious physical harm. The manufacturer of one of these drugs warns of the increased possibility of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke. Parents must be involved in important choices like this for their children, and school-based health clinics exclude parents from the decision. [Pols emphasis]

"This is outrageous and must stop. We owe it to our young people to protect them from exposure to these dangerous drugs."

…The bill would prohibit federal funding of any school that distributes or provides emergency contraception (such as the "morning-after" pill) or a prescription for such contraception on the premises or in the facilities of an elementary or secondary school.

While Rep. Lamborn seeks to crack down on availability of the so-called "morning after pill," the FDA announced in June that the medication will be made available over-the-counter–the end of a long battle over expanding access to the drug. Although conservatives warn of health effects, the primary objection according to most public health experts has always always religious in nature–concerns based on the religious concept of "life" beginning at conception, and supposed erosion of personal morality standards in the face of easy contraception.

Lamborn's press release notes that this is the fourth time he has introduced this legislation, so much like the perennial backers of the "Personhood" abortion ban initiative in Colorado, his arguments are well-rehearsed! Unfortunately for Lamborn, the prospects beyond the GOP-controlled House for this bill aren't much different.

View the original article here


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