To return to the topic of talk radio before Jason logs in with the latest "I am shocked, shocked I tell you, that talk radio hosts do not question republican guests."
Talk Radio outlets in the United States are approximately 90% conservative outlets.
This monopoly allows Republicansto do the following:
1) Consolidate the conservative base – talk radio demographics swing toward older people, who are rapidly becoming more conservative…
2) Feedback on talking points-talk radio gets callers when hosts can stir up anger…
so one can hear the same arguments from hosts across the radio band, nationally and locally. Propagandists can fine tune their message by listening to the kind of response the talking points are getting….and adjust accordingly. Democratics have not such feedback loop, except some sorry excuses for "push polls" and focus groups. Conservative hosts also consistently reinforce what callers are saying…this gives the illustion to conservatives that they are being "listened to," and are an important part of the political process and party.
(None of the emails that I receive daily from top democrats…whom I am supposed to be really, really, impressed with because they address me by my first name…..allow a reply…..they all have, however, a link to give money…..even Jon Stewart screemed the othe night to dems, etc.."Stop sending me emails.)
3) GOTV…this is the most important in low turnout elections…ie. mid-term….ie. 2010.
4) Radio becomes important if and when people are in the car and heeding warning not to text or use cphones…..the casual listeners turns on the radio to get traffic and weather….and hears conservative talking points, also. Since, there is absolutely no opposing views expressed, the casual listeners may think the talking points are valid or are even "news."
And while we are focused on the "crazies"….remember that Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to mention four big northern states that voted for Obama but who have republican controlled legislatures and statehouses…all benefit from the conservative megaphone that is talk radio.
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