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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Effective Fat Burning Workouts

September 22, 2013 admin Exercise

Every day millions of people around the world head to gyms, recreational centers and health clubs to get in a good workout and hopefully lose some weight. There is a lot of confusion about what type of exercise is best for fat loss, due in no small part to the thousands of weight loss programs out there that all seem to offer conflicting information.

Exercising for fat loss is not rocket science but if your workouts fail to meet a few specific criteria, you will likely experience disappointing results. For best results, make sure the following principles are part of your workout program.

Focus on Burning Calories

The more calories you burn in a workout, the more body fat you will lose. This means that any good fat loss workout will put an emphasis on burning as many calories as possible. This is done by choosing demanding exercises that use several major muscles groups and minimizing rest periods between sets, as well as by incorporating moderate to high intensity cardiovascular exercise into your routine.woman working out

Frequent Workouts

Splitting you total weekly workout time into short but frequent workouts has been shown to be more effective than performing longer workouts less often. In other words, instead of working out twice per week for 90 minutes, perform 6 weekly workouts 30 minutes in length. The more weekly workouts you can fit into you plan, the better your results will be.

Resistance Training and Aerobics

For optimal fat loss your program should include both resistance training and aerobic (cardio) exercise. When combined, these two forms of exercise create a synergistic effect that maximizes fat loss. It is best to perform a short resistance training workout followed by an aerobic session, as the resistance exercise mobilizes fat cells, and the aerobic exercise will use them for energy.

Many gym-goers will simply head to the treadmill and perform their entire workout on one piece of equipment. This will inevitably result in unsatisfactory progress, so be sure to include resistance training like weight training or body weight exercises in your routine.

A Long Term Approach

Steer clear of “extreme” programs that promise extraordinary results in short periods of time. These programs are designed to take advantage of desperate individual. No exercise program will allow a normal person to safely lose 30 pounds in 30 days. A good fat loss workout program will consist of a sensible long term approach to control calorie intake through proper nutrition and burn extra calories through exercise. As you may have heard before, the average person will lose roughly 1-2 pounds of fat per week on a well designed program.

Permanent weight loss requires making permanent lifestyle changes. It is unrealistic to think that you could follow any routine for a few short weeks and get the body you want. You will need to start making better lifestyle choices today and keep making them tomorrow, and the next day, and so on. Fitness is not an 8 week project it is a lifestyle.

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