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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

How to Get Ripped Fast

When you see a photo of a ripped, well-muscled physique on a fitness magazine cover, do you wish you could build your own body to look like that? Most guys who work out would like to achieve that level of fitness, but very few actually get there. Everybody in the gym wants to know how to get ripped fast, so why are there not more perfect physiques out there to show for all of this desire?

Easier Said Than Done

Hardcore Fat Loss Nutrition
Just as everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die, most gym wants want to get lean and shredded, but only a precious few are willing to put in the work and sacrifice it takes to get there. If you are one of those precious few, you are reading the right article, as I am about to tell you exactly how to get ripped fast.

ripped guy with towel

You know that in order to get lean you will have to give up the junk food and eat like a saint, but just how far do you have to go? For fast, reliable results the answer is “pretty darn far.” Bodybuilders who are training for a contest will eat a very restrictive diet made up of the following types of foods:

Skinless Chicken BreastBroccoliOmega-3 EggsSpinachTilapiaTunaSweet Potatoes

All-Out Exercise Routine for Fat Loss

Not only will you have to follow a strict diet, but you will also have to bust your butt in the gym if you want quick, noticeable results. If you leave the gym without sweat soaking through your shirt you are not working hard enough. Intense weight training circuits, body weight complexes, and high intensity interval cardio workouts will be your new best friends in the gym. Challenging workouts like these will allow you to burn hundreds of extra calories every time you exercise, which will help you melt off all of that extra body fat.

How Long Will It Take?

This is a difficult question to answer, as it will be different for everyone. If you are already in pretty good shape you could do it in 8 weeks or so. If you are substantially overweight it could take 6-8 months. However long it takes the important thing is that you stay committed to the process. You know how to get ripped fast now the trick is to work at it like a soldier until you reach your goal.

If you focus on making progress each and every week you will stay motivated, and you will eventually have the physique you desire. Figuring out how to get ripped fast is the easy part getting it done is the real challenge.

View the original article here


Unknown said...

is many workout helping or on the opposite it's only hurt you and your body ?

please help me

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